Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Indolence Is Energy Consuming

To do great work a man must be very idle as well as very industrious. Samuel Butler.

I am an (n)utter workoholic but I have been inclining to thorough inactivity for the past week. The good thing is that as an entrepreneur I get to decide when and for how long I wish to fuck about. Considering the fact that I literally have not had a proper holiday for the past many many years I thought the entire summer off would be a great idea. I would finally have time to redesign the interior of the house, do something art related, go on small trips, party, in other words anything but work. Back to nature; that is the very motto of this summer. At least it was.

Since I got back from the festival I partied so hard at a week ago I have not properly left the house apart from going to the grocery store round the corner to get food, home essentials and fags to see me through the day as I promised to myself I would stay put, give the house a proper scrub and start with a clean slate. A week later, mission still not accomplished.

The reason? Well, I am just bloody lazy. And I rediscovered television, internet and food. None of which I have time for during the school year.

Do you sometimes get to a state when you are so lazy and so sick of it at the same time but it is million years too late as your body only responds to food and TV intake? Well, I only realized how bad it really is, first, when I did the maths and figured that I spent more money on food this week than usually in a year, second, I watched Buffy the vampire slayer back and forth and got terribly upset when the black guy from CSI Las Vegas got shot dead (I presume. I have to watch today's episode to make hundred percent sure), and finally, last night when suffering from my on and off insomnia I went online window shopping. It does not sound idiotic yet but wait for it.
My mind is an utter bitch, always lures me into buying while my cognitive functioning is rather impaired. Hat! Yeah, I need a new hat. Fancy dress party top hat, do not have one, definitely need one, definitely. Click, pay.

Not only do I have a fabulous hat for a fancy dress party I am sure I will never go to, I also have not done anything which would satiate my motivation and intention thirsty summer.

Lesson learned. I need to organise a fancy dress party!


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