Sunday, 22 May 2011

Blogging as an after-effect of concussion?

I just suffered a concussion and sprained my pinky after this little stunt of mine and set up a blog. I attempted on many occassions to tell the neurophysiologists there was absolutely nothing wrong with me. Now I am worried there is.

Concussion is a funny thing. Wikipedia states that it is is the most common type of traumatic brain injury, a head injury with a temporary loss of brain function and can cause a variety of physical, cognitive, and emotional symptoms. The effects are supposedly poorly understood. I googled starting a blog as one of them and failed to find any sort of concussion/blogging association. Apparently unheard of. Well, this post should do the trick. I am, nevertheless, the living proof of such existence. Perhaps both the doctors and the internet in general should apologize for the lack of update. Therefore, concussion-sufferers, beware!

Symptoms usually go away entirely within three weeks, apparently, so I am giving this blog probably about that.


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